In all aspects of life, preparation is key. This is why parents start searching for “preschool near me” via the Internet by the time their children learn how to walk and speak though some of the words are still gibberish. They go through every website they can check with their free time, which means the period when their babies are sleeping, and the house is quiet for a while.
When they are surfing the Internet, parents are looking for the best preschool in Singapore because they want a very good education for their children. After all, preschool is an avenue where the kids will hone further their creativity and interpersonal skills. At the same time, children will also learn how to be independent and how to look after themselves, which are very necessary developments.
So, which is the best preschool in Singapore? Here are some of the factors you should consider when enrolling your kids at a preschool.
What Are the Preschool Values?
As parents, they would want their children to learn good values, such as being polite, helpful, and generous. Are these the same kind of values that the preschool is promoting? Are the preschool’s other sets of principles align with your belief system? You should be able to know these so you can be comfortable enrolling your kids at the school of your choice.
As a tip, you can talk to the preschool teachers about how they deal with conflict resolutions among the children. You can also ask them about how they instill discipline. You have to make sure that the kindergarten is instilling good core values that hinge on kindness and forgiveness.
Class Size in the Preschool
The best preschool in Singapore will be able to provide a good amount of focus in each of the enrolled students. This can be achieved by having the ideal class size per room. The Early Childhood Development Agency, in fact, is implementing requirements for the ratio of the number teachers to number of students in a preschool. It is around 20 to 25 children per one teacher in kindergarten classes, depending on which level.
The number of students per teacher can go down in certain preschools. Keep this in mind when you are looking for a preschool. You might want a smaller class size if you want your children to have more interactions with their teachers and other kids.
Preschool Staff
Of course, you want your children to spend time with qualified teaching staff. You can check the turnover rate of teachers in the preschool, noting which are the ones who have taught for a long period. It would be helpful if the teachers are not always getting replaced as well. This can help your children adjust better and develop a good relationship with their teachers.
Enroll your kids at Pegasus International Preschool. They are in good hands with us. Contact us for more information.