When watching a Hollywood movie, almost every one of us thinks of having an American accent. Honestly, it would be so cool if we could talk like Jason Statham. While English is spoken worldwide, there are still some of us who haven’t adapted to it yet. If you’re reading this article, then consider this a sign from the universe to dig deeper into the lingual realms of the English language.

If you are someone who wants to increase your language proficiency level, are Spanish and want to aprende Inglés or are german and want to lernen Englisch, here are some tips for better understanding:

  1. Watch English shows and movies

It is common sense that listening and reading English will help you understand the language better and learn English faster. On top of that, suppose you are watching many British shows or movies, you get habituated to the British accent and can understand it much better.

  1. Mobile Apps

There are many apps that will help you get better at English. It is even better with apps because you can take the lessons anytime from anywhere, you learn at your own pace. Apps like ELSA will help you with all of the aspects – writing, reading and listening, which will be useful for TOEFL, IELTS and TOEIC exams.

  1. Read books

Read! Read! Read! Reading books is one of the best ways to grasp any language. First, start with preferably beginner-level books that use simple language and then work your way up to complex classics. If you come across a new word, google it and find what it means.

  1. Think in English

Yes! Start a habit of thinking in English rather than your native language. The reason behind being that most people think in their native language and then translate it to English, but due to different grammatical compositions, the translation sometimes is grammatically incorrect. For example – Practicing talking to others in that language is very important to learn English speaking. As silly as it sounds, make thinking in English a regular habit, as it is an effective way to keep your grammar in check, being confident and consistent without stammering while speaking.

Even with all this information, many do not achieve what they wish for. Why? Here are some reasons –

  1. Learning is a long process, many people don’t have the patience to go through it all and thus quit before achieving their goal.
  2. People are not persistent, eventually causing one to learn half-heartedly.
  3. Many people treat English as a subject, resulting in them avoiding it after learning hours. Try talking with your friends and family in English.

Now go and use all of the tips given and give it your all, for Jason Statham once said, “You only get one shot in your life, and you might as well push yourself and try things”

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