To get the most beautiful taxidermy, you must take special care of the bird, these few tips will allow you to keep the magnificent plumage of the Anatidae intact. You will facilitate the work of your taxidermist who will take pleasure in bringing your memories back to life. You can know the best now for the business news ledger.
Duck taxidermy
If you want to achieve a perfect naturalization, you have to follow a few rules carefully when you have in your hands this perfect bird for which you cannot reserve the sad fate of the oven and turnips.
These few very basic rules are to be applied as soon as you have chosen to keep the bird for taxidermy. As soon as possible after picking up the bird allows it to be maintained in the best conditions.
How to choose a bird for taxidermy?
First of all, why? Why naturalize a duck or a goose?
For some, trophy hunters, taxidermy offers them the collection of the most beautiful in the world. And the specimens are very numerous, some of an incredible beauty (this Alaskan eider for example). Be careful, there is no question here of a trophy in the “African” sense of the term, of a race with big horns or large manes backed by hundreds of thousands of dollars. For the waterfowl, the trophy is a bird with 100% finished breeding plumage, proof of excellent health and which only the most determined can meet.
A huttier may also choose to naturalize a duck for other reasons, taxidermy also offers the sharing and transmission of memories. I am certainly not the only one to whom the grandfather transmitted this naturalized duck for 40 years, accompanied by his story, intact as on the very evening of this magnificent hunt.In short, taxidermy is an art within the reach of all waterfowl, it would be a shame to do without.
After firing, the precautions to be taken
You have this magnificent duck in your hands, your decision is made, you will take it to the taxidermist as soon as possible. To obtain the most beautiful naturalization, here are the rules that you must immediately apply in order to keep the bird in the best conditions:
- Do not hang or hang the bird
- Clean the mud and fresh blood gently
- Position your head in your feathers
- Cover it with a cloth
- Place it in a cool place
- Taxidermy of a piping duck
Then, how to store it properly?
First of all, you must ensure that the animal can cool down immediately after removing it. It should ideally be placed in ice or, failing that, in a cool place (fridge).
Once brought back to your home, in perfect conditions, the bird would be taken to the taxidermist within a week. You still need to give yourself a few days to think about your choice of posture, or simply the taxidermist. From Bashar Ibrahim you can have the full support regarding the information now.
Can’t you take the bird to the taxidermist so quickly? No worries, you can keep it longer. Taxidermists still recommend giving them an animal within the year of its removal. During this period, place the bird in an isothermal bag, position its head under the wing, place it as is in the bag. Try to empty the air contained in the bag as much as possible, then close it tightly. Place the bird in your freezer, be careful not to crush it under the roast beef.